What our clients say
Tina Arya Testimonial
“The water tasted better, smoother, even a little bit sweet. Like the water tastes in a mountain spring, right at its original source”.
Jayeeta Chakraborty says
“This water quenches my thirst, earlier I used to drink 5-5 ltrs of water and still feel thirsty, and I started having water retention in my body. Within about 3 days, I started having less water and was much more satisfied”.
Sandeep Kulkarni says
“This coherent water is really making me feel energetic, my skin has become a little younger, I feel a little younger, it has reduced my hairfall. Especially when iam shooting in a hectic schedule or a late nights, I still feel energetic, and even if I shoo till late, the next morning I feel energetic”.
Radha Subramanian says
“As we all know, the essence of spirituality, mainly focuses on alignment. The alignment of mind and body. So our body mainly comprises of the water element. So Somarka Project, which is brought to us by a group of scientists and like minded people, focuses on the alignment aspect of water”.
Bojana Says
“So I have been using the Tube for about a year now, and I immediately when I got the Tube and I stirred the water. I could feel the difference in water, the water became more hydrating somehow.
If you are really thirsty, you will feel that, with a little bit of amount of water, you are already satisfying your thirst, which is really amazing”.
Rithika Says
“I do notice that there is a change in the taste of the water, once the tube has been used. I also tried a few DIY experiments using plants.
And after seeing the plant, I do know there is a beneficial effect”.
And after seeing the plant, I do know there is a beneficial effect”.
Gargi Says
“I feel that the treated water keeps me hydrated and well balanced properly. I feel that the water is very light and soothing to the body, and it has helped me overcome my digestion problems that ive faced through my childhood”.
I was introduced to Analemma just over a year ago, and was a little skeptical in the beginning. How can such a small device have such a huge impact on the water we consume? Is it even scientific?
Turns out Yes. We have now been drinking Analemma water for the past one year or so, and we have seen some very clear benefits to our health. It has helped with digestion, better energy through the day, a clearer mind, and better immunity.
I went on to recommend it to people who would be open to such a technology. And since then, I know 11 close family and friends who are consuming this and for whom it has worked. Same results as what we had experienced!
Water is a deep subject that science is still understanding and exploring. And the folks at Analemma seem to be spearheading that research. Test it out yourself for a few months and you will know how this works for you!
I went on to recommend it to people who would be open to such a technology. And since then, I know 11 close family and friends who are consuming this and for whom it has worked. Same results as what we had experienced!
Water is a deep subject that science is still understanding and exploring. And the folks at Analemma seem to be spearheading that research. Test it out yourself for a few months and you will know how this works for you!

My family and I experimented with Aǹalemma and most of us could feel the difference in the water almost instantly, it tasted sweeter. Having used Aǹalemma for 3 months, I can say that it really helps me to get more energized, especially after my workout. Aǹalemma is a very new and unique tool. I am pretty convinced that this works. And since there is so much confusion around what kind of water one should drink, we need to choose the right one!

When I first came across Aǹalemma, I was very sceptical about it. The more interactions and reading I did on it, I became thrilled and excited to try it. I tested the device for almost 2 months to arrive at my personal findings. I decided to first experiment with it in three different types of water i.e. in a copper jug, brass jug, and regular water. And I was able to feel the difference in all three. There was a clear distinctive taste in the ones stored in different vessels. The water made me feel calmer and more relaxed. Especially on days when I would go overboard on coffee and get palpitations, drinking Aǹalemma water led to a quick change. I also noticed that Aǹalemma water helped me sleep better and aided better digestion.

As a yoga teacher, I am always looking for tools to bring me back to my centre. I had heard about the power of coherent water and how it improves not only one’s health and immunity but also mental clarity which I really value. But I didn’t realise it would be such an apparent and instant change in just a few seconds of twirling the Aǹalemma quartz crystal tube! When I drink this water, I feel like I did a yogic practice – it’s so centering and purifying. The water was beyond the likes of packaged premium brands like Qua and Aquafina – because it was simply brought back to its pure state. The water was delicious, light, and there was zero resistance from my body to take it in- it was a TREAT.

Aǹalemma coherent water has a much better taste and it feels as if it is easier to drink more water. Sense of freshness and knowing that your body, your every cell, is fully hydrated with the water that is 'alive', makes me feel happier and more energetic during the day.

I am feeling a difference both in the physical and mental levels. At home, we are using Aǹalemma coherent water for drinking as well as in cooking. I find that the same food, as I used to consume earlier, gets digested easily and I feel my energy level is higher too. Further, I would have dryness in the body earlier, but I feel the dryness is now reducing.

I am delighted with the Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube. The water really tastes amazing and fresh. I live in an area where water is very hard. After treating it with the Aǹalemma water tube, water is quite different - it feels clean and alive. I wholeheartedly recommend everyone to use it daily.

I have to say that almost immediately, I noticed that the taste of water is different after using Aǹalemma coherent water tube. To me, it seems the water is more alive and vibrant, sometimes it seems sparkling and more transparent. I can feel that my body cells are happier. I recommend it to everyone; I am sure they will feel the difference regarding the quality of water.

I have been using Aǹalemma coherent water for a while. The first thing is taste, the second difference is in frequency. Though this is not easy to measure, I feel that coherent water holds more energy.
With Aǹalemma coherent water, the fresh taste of the water remains as it is for however long you keep it, once it is treated. The difference in taste of water is so potent that if I forget to carry it with me, I can’t even finish a glass of water outside.
With Aǹalemma coherent water, the fresh taste of the water remains as it is for however long you keep it, once it is treated. The difference in taste of water is so potent that if I forget to carry it with me, I can’t even finish a glass of water outside.

I have a skin condition called epidermolysis, due to which I find it difficult to swallow food or even water or saliva. Since I started using Aǹalemma coherent water, I feel like the water glides down the throat without any obstacles. Not only am I able to swallow much easier, but my skin has also improved.

My first experience with Aǹalemma coherent water was very clear as coherent water felt softer than regular bottled water. Also, the feel in my body was positive, almost as if there was a sudden, small cascade of micro-openings happening in the tensed veins and nerves. I have always been very sensitive to anything that goes down my throat, so I am pretty confident about the difference observed.

I have had recurring difficulties with my digestion and gut area. As I started using Aǹalemma coherent water, I found that my symptoms subsided, if not, completely disappeared. From a mental perspective I find that I have clarity and calm in life. My thoughts are clear, and I feel fresher than I used to. I make it a point to carry it with me during all my travels.

Since my family started drinking Aǹalemma coherent water, we feel more freshness than regular tap water. Not only that, I pour Aǹalemma Coherent water in our in-house basil plant and I have observed a substantial difference in the growth in the plant!

When I started using Aǹalemma coherent water, I immediately felt the taste of the water to be sweeter. I also used to feel bloated sometimes but after using Aǹalemma water, my water intake has actually grown as the water feels lighter. Bloating and indigestion are also things of the past for me now. I now use this water for cooking too. I would surely recommend everyone to experience this water and feel the difference in their lives.

Stirring my water bottles with the Aǹalemma coherent water tube has almost become a ritual. The water after stirring is easier on the throat, smooth to swallow and feels alive. Aǹalemma has also made me more mindful.
It is so unique and rare in this era of consumerism that the product will last lifelong. Speaks volumes of the benevolent intent behind the product.
It is so unique and rare in this era of consumerism that the product will last lifelong. Speaks volumes of the benevolent intent behind the product.

Using Aǹalemma water has been an amazing experience in terms of taste, after feel and prolonged taste. My 14 year old son says 'It gives a feel of stream water from the Himalayas, naturally sweet and sparkling.'
Compared to the normal bottled water, I find the taste more refreshing and water molecules seem alive. I personally have stopped consuming water without treating it first with the Aǹalemma coherent water tube. I also noticed that my water consumption has gone down considerably. This technology is ancient science in modern packing!
Compared to the normal bottled water, I find the taste more refreshing and water molecules seem alive. I personally have stopped consuming water without treating it first with the Aǹalemma coherent water tube. I also noticed that my water consumption has gone down considerably. This technology is ancient science in modern packing!

I recently started using the Aǹalemma Coherent Water Tube. I used to drink almost 5 litres of water a day as I felt thirsty all the time. From the very second day of reintroducing coherent water into my life, my water intake came down by 50%. I feel more satiated and there is a distinct taste, almost sweet taste to the coherent water. Also, it makes me feel 'cleaner' inside. Truly grateful. Joy Joy!

Finally, after a long time living in a metro city, I got a way to drink natural water, thanks to Aǹalemma. I have been having Aǹalemma water for 3 weeks and can feel a change in myself. Energy is high, stability is more, productivity at work is better, health is better. Thank you so much for this product. I wish I knew about this product earlier.

Since I started using Aǹalemma water two weeks back, I am observing a positive change in our energy levels. My daughter used to experience menstrual cramps and nausea each month. After we started with this water, she was pain-free! She wondered that the water made such a difference!
Savitri JayasuryaVolunteer for Ammucare Charitable Trust, Hyderabad