Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

This blog is an edited version of the podcast interaction between Dr Priti Nanda Sibal (President of Indian Association of Functional Medicine) and Dr Eric Laarakker (scientist and co-founder of Analemma Coherent Water)
Dr Priti Nanda (PN): Hi, Good afternoon Eric, and welcome to this YouTube live today on such an important topic, Water.
Dr Eric Laarakker (EL): Thank you so much for having me over here.
PN: Thank you. So, Eric, as you were just telling me a few seconds before we went live that water was one of the missing links, which you found about almost two decades back. Share your experience about how you found this as a missing link and how you think this piece, once set right, can help people live healthy.
EL: I will try to explain how we came up to it.

My Journey into Alternative Medicine

Thirty years ago, I graduated as a veterinarian, but I felt limited by traditional medicine. So, I pursued extensive education in acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and other alternative therapies. My curiosity drove me to explore the missing links between these diverse approaches to health.

Establishing Our Research Laboratory

Seventeen years ago, we established a research laboratory to delve deeper. We began by investigating the best methods for conducting research and discovered the ground breaking work of Professor Fritz Popp. He found that cells emit light, known as biophotons, which can be measured in living organisms – in tomatoes, your body and various other beings – and reveal insights about their health.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

The Role of Water in Biophoton Emission

Our initial experiments focused on changing various parameters to maximize positive changes in biophoton emission. We started with tomatoes and discovered that water played a crucial role. By altering the structure of water, we observed an 80% increase in biophoton emission from tomato cells. This led us to believe that water could be the missing link, given that the human body is composed of 99% water molecules.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

Understanding Water: The Mysterious Substance

Intrigued, we delved into water research and found that its properties were not well understood. Water is a peculiar substance; it’s essential for hydration but has many other unexplored characteristics. We learned that water is a broadband absorber of almost all electromagnetic frequencies. Our planet’s atmosphere contains water vapor, which absorbs about 70% of harmful radiation, allowing life to thrive.

Water as a Medium for Information

Recognizing that many chronic diseases are informational diseases, we began viewing water as a medium that receives and transmits information, much like a radio. The purer the water, the clearer the information it conveys.

Developing and Stabilizing Structured Water

We explored various types of water and their effects but found existing options unsatisfactory. This led us to develop our own tools and water, a process that took over five to six years. Our greatest achievement was stabilizing water’s structure. Typically, harmonized water reverts to a chaotic state, but we managed to maintain its stability. We tested our structured water on humans and animals, observing positive results.

Breakthroughs in Immunoglobulin Studies

After 12 years of research, we conducted Immunoglobulin (IG) studies. We discovered that drinking one and a half liters of this structured water daily, without any other lifestyle changes, made the body biologically 1 to 12 years younger in just two months.
PN: Wow! I have a question. When you say drinking one to one and a half liters of water makes the body younger, what time do you recommend people should drink this water? How long should they keep the crystal in water before?

The Efficiency of Coherent Water

First, I think we need less water if we drink coherent water. We waste a lot of water because it’s not efficient. If you study animals and humans in a desert, they use plants, which can structure water effectively. When you get water from plants, it’s more effective than tap water. Research has shown that plants need 40-50% less water if given structured water. The amount of water needed depends on where you live.

Personalized Hydration Needs

So, there’s no average. You should know your own body by looking at your urine to see if it’s not too dark. All the water I drink is coherent. Over time, I started using less water because it’s more efficient. Usually, I start in the morning with a glass of water before my coffee. The best time to drink water is whenever you feel thirsty and your body needs hydration. A lot of people don’t know their bodies and don’t feel the need to drink. I always tell people to check the color of their urine. If it’s too dark, they need to drink more.
PN: I agree with you, but for patients and people listening, is there a difference when we drink this water early morning on an empty stomach, or alone, or with meals?
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

The Best Time to Drink Water

The best time to start is in the morning on an empty stomach. As everyone knows, when you wake up, your kidneys start working. There’s also a substance that signals from your brain, prompting you to go to the toilet when you wake up. So, the best time to drink a glass of water is when you wake up. I keep a glass of water next to my bed and drink it before starting my day.
PN: When do you use the crystal? Immediately when you are about to drink this water, or do you use it in a jug or a glass bottle and then use the water in the next few hours?

The Stability of Coherent Water

The water I use in the morning has been made coherent the day before because it keeps its stability. We did tests with water that was eight months old and found it didn’t lose its coherence. It’s stable, so you don’t have to make it fresh each time. You can keep it in a jug in your fridge. Sometimes I drink water that’s a week old in the fridge; it doesn’t matter, it will keep its stability.

PN: How is this different from RO water and Kangen water?

Understanding the Differences: Coherent Water vs. Kangen Water

It’s a completely different story. Both of them (RO or Kangen) have nothing to do with coherent water. Kangen water gives you a higher pH, more alkaline water. There are many opinions about it. First of all, it’s not coherent, so it doesn’t provide the benefits of coherence. It might offer the benefits of being more alkaline, which can be beneficial after a disease or detox, but not continuously.

PN: I love you for this, Eric!
EL: Thank you.
PN: There are many controversial things, but this is the concept I support strongly. It’s not for everyone, not all the time. Today, we have a problem with low acid production in the stomach. Many people drink Kangen water throughout the day at 9 pH without knowing they should set their pH at 7.35. For cancer patients or those with chronic diseases needing alkaline water, it can benefit them, but coherent water is different.
Before knowing how to make coherent water, I used to take and give a lot of Omega-3s. As we age and in today’s environment, our cells lose their flexibility, contributing to dehydration. Despite drinking a lot of water, many people are dehydrated.
If we look at our haemograms, most of the patients, when we see the report, are dehydrated despite drinking a lot of water, three or four litres. Yes, it’s not beneficial. I have seen that it makes a huge impact. In fact, as I was sharing with you, the day I came to know about your crystal, I started using it. I broke one a few weeks back, and I’m really missing my Analemma water, so I’m going to order one today. I really feel the change. The skin starts glowing, you feel more energetic, and scientifically, it gives me a lot of support. So, thank you for that.
PN: What is your take on RO water?

Comparing Water Treatment Methods: Kangen, Analemma, and RO Water

Neither Kangen nor Analemma water removes toxins or bacteria. They structure the water, making the information of toxins less, but it doesn’t remove them. RO (Reverse Osmosis) water removes toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc., but it also depletes minerals, which are very important.

The Importance of Remineralizing RO Water

I’m not against RO systems, especially in countries with dirty water, but you need to remineralize the water afterward. Otherwise, it dehydrates your body, drawing minerals out because it wants to become a little bit salty. In the US, many people use RO, and we always say it’s the best way to remove toxins but remember to remineralize it.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

Making RO Water Coherent

It’s still not coherent. If you want to use it, you need a three-step process: RO, remineralize, and make it coherent. Some people have in-built systems. We have a Whole House Analemma which can be installed three meters away from the RO system, keeping the water coherent throughout. You then need to remineralize it.
PN: Thanks for sharing this information beautifully. Can you share some transformational stories of your patients after using coherent water?

The Holistic Approach to Patient Care

We should approach patients holistically because everyone’s needs are different. Of course, not everybody reacts the same.

Initial Reactions to Coherent Water

The first thing people notice is the taste difference. They want more in the beginning because it has a different taste and mouthfeel. Initially, they drink a lot of water, causing their bodies to start detoxifying, leading to more frequent trips to the toilet. It’s a slow process; it’s not like drinking the water heals everything instantly. It takes time.

The Consciousness Shift

Mostly, people notice a change in their minds. We consider it conscious water. If you understand what I mean, water acts as a bio quantum computer, a radio that receives information. All the information exists in the quantum field. A pure radio attracts better information, which is very beneficial. One of the first things you’ll notice is a change in consciousness.

Changes in Dietary and Philosophical Perspectives

I’ve seen many people in our country who ate a lot of meat start eating less meat and thinking more about life after death. They become more conscious.
PN: This is why people do colon hydrotherapy. The microbiome has a huge impact on mental health and thoughts.

The Impact of Coherent Water on Gut Health

We did a study on the microbiome, the bacteria in your gut. They found over 1,200 different species, and the more diverse they are, the healthier you are. We conducted a significant research project years ago in the Netherlands, and out of 60 people, nobody had good gut health initially.

Positive Results from Our Research

The good news is we saw that 83% of the people had an improvement in the dysbiosis index in the gut and almost 16% overall improvement versus the placebo group. In the pathogenic bacteria index, there was an almost 46% improvement versus the placebo group, meaning fewer pathogens and more good bacteria in the gut after drinking the water for two to three months.

Importance of a Healthy Microbiome

It changes on an informational level and on your microbiome level. A healthy microbiome is key to everything, including brain diseases and diabetes.
PN: Microbiome is at the centre stage of all chronic diseases.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

EL: Observations from Our Research: Microbiome and Soil Health

Exactly! We observed a significant increase in the microbiome index and similar improvements in soil health. The beneficial bacteria we need come from the soil. Although the exact mechanism is not fully understood, the good bacteria thrive on this water and start growing.

Increased Energy Levels

On all different levels, we saw a 27% rise in ATP levels over 60 days, translating to 20% more energy for individuals vs the placebo group. This is highly beneficial for chronic diseases, as it impacts the mitochondria in every cell, thereby boosting energy levels.

Understanding Mitochondria and ATP Production

For those unfamiliar, mitochondria are present in every cell, with numbers ranging from 500 to 2,000 per cell. They are responsible for producing ATP, which is essential for energy. ATP acts as the primary source of energy for cellular functions. Nearly every chronic disease is related to mitochondrial function and ATP production.
PN: I think this is equal to 28% more energy when you drink this water. Yes, for a person, right?

Mitochondria and Their Response to Coherent Water

So, the mitochondria love the water. It’s not surprising when you consider the research. A well-known biologist, whose work dates back 20 years, suggested that mitochondria are essentially bacteria. Therefore, I consider them part of your microbiome. They thrive on coherent water, highlighting its significant benefits.

Health Benefits and Complementary Therapies

It’s so easy to use and integrate into your routine. While I’m not claiming it cures everything, it serves as an excellent foundational approach to improving your health. We found that individuals who drink this water show better responses to acupuncture and homeopathic medicine.
PN: You said that it’s a radio, right. That’s one side of it or maybe when it’s outside but I also feel that water is the communicator. All the bacteria in your body have to communicate with each other because it’s a society. I generally say whatever you see outside with your open eyes is present in a similar way inside, but you have to close your eyes to see it.
EL: As you know, what we see with our open eyes is just between 400 and 800 nanometers, which is a very, very small part. Research says our eyes can only see 0.005% of what is out there.
PN: Imagine how much is inside. That community has to communicate to stay happy. Water plays the most important role in that communication.
When we look at our reports, at least in my practice, I know until the time I have electrolytes in balance, I am not able to fix anything else. Electrolytes are a key pillar of my overhauling process, anti-aging, or treating chronic diseases. Water is critical. Unless that is set right, we can’t move forward at all. To have happy people inside, we better have good water inside.
EL: I did some research in the Blue Zones, areas where people become 100 years old.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water
PN: There is a nice documentary on Netflix about this.
EL: Yes, the only thing they miss is water. We found out that in Sardinia, all the people drink from the same well. There’s something special about that well.
PN: I also had a lot of interest in water in the last five to seven years. In that journey, it got on my mind that water is the best solution I could offer. In India, there was a culture of having wells in every village. People used to drink water from those wells, which was the best, but now that is not available at all.
EL: Even besides of that, in our country, they found out that glyphosate and other toxins are over 100 meters deep under the soil.
PN: Water has all that. When we do renal scans or heavy metal testing for our patients, I have yet to see a patient who has a decent level of heavy metals to keep them healthy. Water plays a huge role there. We are seeing a lot of iodine deficiency in India these days, which is why hypothyroidism is increasing. Water is getting depleted of those things. If we can structure the water, decrease its need, and improve its efficiency using this crystal, it’s a great solution everyone should try.
PN: I have two questions for you. Healing M&D India wants to know about coherent water and neurological diseases. How is that connected, and have you seen any patients with neurological diseases feeling better after using coherent water?
I’m very careful about making promises regarding health benefits. If you consider that your brain uses the most ATP, theoretically, an increase in ATP levels should be beneficial for brain health. We conducted extensive brain research using QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography), and we observed positive changes immediately after drinking the water. The brain becomes more harmonic, and through the vagus nerve, there is improved communication and harmonization of brain waves.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

The Limitations of Coherent Water for Neurological Health

While it is clear that coherent water has effects on brain harmonization, I must emphasize caution. For those with neurological diseases, I cannot guarantee that drinking the water will resolve these issues. Restoring a damaged nervous system is complex and requires time.
PN: Only one thing cannot give you a full solution, but this will contribute a little in moving your patient in the right direction.
Yes, I will dare to state that. Neurological disease is a vast and complex area. For example, in our country (the Netherlands), we are seeing a growing number of cases of Lyme disease affecting both animals and humans. When such conditions impact the brain, drinking the water alone may not be sufficient. Additional treatments and interventions are necessary.
I’m always cautious because each approach has its role. While coherent water is beneficial, it’s important to combine it with other treatments for comprehensive care
PN: I think we have gone over time, but I have one last question for you. How many times should one drink Somarka/ Analemma water?

Embracing Coherent Water in Your Daily Routine

Well, always—or as much as you can. I discovered that when I go out for dinner and they serve standard water, I don’t enjoy drinking it. When I return home, I start drinking Analemma water because my body prefers it. My body has become accustomed to it in that way.

Recommended Daily Intake and Usage Tips

I recommend consuming at least three glasses of Analemma water a day, but if you feel inclined to drink more, why not? You can use it in all types of liquids, including tea. However, avoid boiling the water with the crystal, as it can cause the crystal to explode. My wife experienced this firsthand. Instead, you can make the water coherent before boiling it, and then quickly use it for your tea or other beverages.

Versatility of Coherent Water

You can make any liquid coherent by following this method. I suggest drinking at least two to three glasses a day, but feel free to consume more if you wish.
PN: If we have more questions, we will write to you. Someone wants to know if you have done clinical trials on this and if you would be interested in doing more.

Commitment to Ongoing Research

I’m always interested in advancing our knowledge because our primary focus is on continuous research. Unlike many other water devices, we allocate almost all our resources to scientific studies.
Health Benefits Of Coherent Water

Upcoming and Recent Research Projects

We are about to initiate another microbiome study because we are not completely satisfied with the current findings. Our goal is to make this research publishable. Additionally, the ATP study is nearing publication. We are also planning research on NAD levels and other areas of interest. Recently, we completed a significant study on cows, and we remain open to exploring any intriguing research opportunities that arise.

Continuous Improvement and Innovation

Our dedication to research ensures that we keep advancing and improving our understanding. If there are interesting topics or new areas to explore, we are always ready to investigate.
PN: Thank you, Eric, for doing such amazing work and giving us such a beautiful solution.
EL: Thank you for having me here.
PN: It was a pleasure to speak to you. I hope more people will use Somarka/Analemma because this is such an easy way of making your water coherent. We can’t be lazier than that if we don’t do this! Thank you.
PN: It was a pleasure to speak to you. I hope more people will use Somarka/Analemma because this is such an easy way of making your water coherent. We can’t be lazier than that if we don’t do this! Thank you.
EL: Thank you so much.
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